Sleep ends abruptly
The room still dark
A grey half-light
Seeping from outside in
A distant half-moon
Weak, loosing its battle
With darkness
The darkness that fills our lives
Darkness so alien
Yet part of what we are
Tension lifts
The day gets brighter, lighter, safer
But then
The basement beckons
Glass doors
Just darkness lay beyond
My shape, my shadow, shifting
Reflecting back at me
The door more than just a barrier
A window to this black empty chasm
I know it’s safe, I am alone!
Just books, shelves and boxes
But nothing looks familiar
The shapes distorted by the dark, moving
Reach in looking for my saviour
A simple switch
The void once more crammed with light
My world the one I know returns
All day long the yearning in me grows
Despite the light now bursting all around
I know its coming
Hostile, hideous, sombre night yet so familiar
Darkness left
But never left
The glass door
The dark rooms beyond
Unrecognisable yet what we crave, we need so much
No saviour, no simple switch
To guide me
Restoring order, there will be no order