The famous actor Roger Moore
Was a character you just couldn’t ignore
From James Bond to The Persuaders
His fame shot up like an elevator
Prime minister Winston Churchill
Liked to enjoy fairground thrills
He worked really hard saving the country
But on his days off loved doing bungee
William Makepeace Thackeray
Was partial to a strawberry daiquiri
He was famous for his parody and satire
While sipping cocktails round the campfire
Inspired by the NaPoWriMo challenge for April 2015 – Day 25 “And now for our prompt! It’s the weekend, so I’d thought we might go with something short and just a bit (or a lot) silly – the Clerihew. These are rhymed, humorous quatrains involving a specific person’s name. You can write about celebrities, famous people from history, even your mom (hopefully she’s got a good name for rhyming with).