Channel: The Rambling Gardener
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Poetry 365 – Day 253 (Which direction Europe?)


Which direction Europe?
Which direction UK?
Which way will you turn?
Normal service will be resumed
Or maybe never


I have been writing this blog now for just over a year and I am thoroughly enjoying the process. I enjoy exploring my artistic side (or lack of it) that for many years was kept in check by work, family and to some extent my lifestyle. Here I am writing words, taking photos and interacting with others around the world. It is all very jolly and a lot of fun. However Europe is heading for, having or over egging a crisis depending on your point of view, where you live and whether you’re interested.

This last few weeks I seem to have become embroiled in it, upset by it and wanting to help in some way. I seem to ponder these things a little more than I did when I was younger.

I have never considered myself to be particularly politically active or left-wing, yet just this week I have sent messages on twitter to the Prime Minister David Cameron, the leader of the Lib/Dem Party Tim Farron and a labour MP Toby Perkins. The first two pleading with them to do something about the refugee crisis and the third to congratulate him on the way he spoke in parliament.

My point is, well I am not too sure what my point is. This is in a way an open letter to myself trying to work out why on this occasion with this crisis I have been so upset, so moved and left feeling so inadequate.

I am proud of my country, the incredible tolerance, freedom and safety that we enjoy. If there is a problem it always gets sorted out, things get fixed but at the moment on this issue it doesn’t feel that way.

So what has been my contribution, well up to a week or so ago I had written a poem? Yes a poem, not a very good one either. Pathetic really but I had got wound up by the BBC constantly using the word migrant which I thought was to appease the more right-wing amongst us. It deflects from the truth and was I felt inferring those heading to Europe were all economic migrants, scroungers, coming to take our jobs, benefits, houses etc.

I knew people were crossing the Mediterranean and that some were coming from war-torn areas but not the scale of the problem. The huge numbers of people displaced from their homes and living in refugee camps for years. Like a lot of people I have the ability to block things out not wanting to know too much, life is just easier that way. I suppose that may be why the TV news drip feeds us horror in just large enough doses to inform but not alarm.

Then of course came the photograph/video footage of Aylan Kurdi and everything changed, well for a week or so. A clamour for action and change but soon enough things will be back to normal and I won’t have to feel guilty or worry about what’s happening abroad.

That photograph/video footage was one of the saddest things I have ever seen, I was upset then and still am. Although I now know this has been happening for years, the very sea I lounged in every day on my holiday last year. I felt I wasn’t getting the truest picture from watching the TV so therefore began to look elsewhere for news on the subject and turned to twitter.

Twitter has previously been my aid in the artistic venture of my blog, sharing ideas/photos and getting inspiration from others. This past week though I have become distracted by what is happening in Europe. I appreciate the views can often be one-sided but news there is aplenty. Bodies on beaches, people drowning, and police pepper spraying refugees who are being taken off trains, turned back at borders, put into camps and generally being treated terribly.

I don’t know enough about any of this to talk for too long on the subject but really felt I should try. I believe in Europe being united and working together, it took a super human effort to defeat fascism and intolerance in Europe. It is though simmering always just beneath the surface, only a strong, tolerant and united Europe can defeat it.

What have I done other than write a poem and hassle a few politicians? Not too much I don’t really know what to do. Like a lot of folk I have to work and have a whole host of reasons/excuses why I can’t just up sticks and take myself off to Hungary or Greece to help. (I have though discovered a number of superb twitter feeds Peter Bouckaert, MSF Sea and MOAS)

I have signed petitions, given what I can and taken to retweeting news on the subject on a daily basis that possibly won’t be appearing on the main TV news. I thought writing this may clarify the situation for me but I still feel frustrated.

My conclusions and this sounds really corny but if I saw someone fall in the street I would offer a hand to pick them up. Europe is massive and wealthy and a lot of people need a hand up, history will judge politicians and countries on how they act in the coming months.

History also tells us how politicians and countries have acted in the past. This is my view and where I stand. A wall could be built from Murmansk to the Turkish border but that guy who had fallen in the street would still need helping up and it would still be our job to do it if we walked by when it happened.

Europe could be doing so much more, much more quickly. I wanted to express my view and it’s my blog so I have. Refugees are welcome here.

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